January 13, 2015





  • Co-Chairs: Mary Wilson, Keelan Simurda
  • Treasurer: Shirley Chang
  • Communications: Leslie Bishko
  • Volunteer Coordinator: Charis Broadbent
  • Members at Large: Lisa Chong
  • Barbara Lee, Letti Kwong, Valeria Kao, Tracey Flattes, Yaron Stern, Wendy Su, Pat Shenkel, David Kmiotek, Cindy Lee
  • Principal/Vice Principal: Margaret Jorgensen, Erin Gibbs
  • Teacher Representatives: Genevieve Adams, Pat Shankel


1. The meeting began with introductions. The attendance checklist was passed around

for all members to complete.


2. The meeting minutes from October, November and December 2014 were reviewed

and a motion for approval was passed.


3. The PAC has two accounts—the general account holds funds which are raised through

PAC fundraising initiatives and the gaming account holds funds which are from the

government gaming grant paid each year for each student in the school.

A. As of December 31st, 2014, the revenue in the general account was $18,000

B. As of December 31st, 2014, the revenue in the gaming account was $11,862

4. Shirley confirmed that included in the general account was $10,680.67 that was

fundraised for the Playground.


5. The 2014/2015 draft budgets were presented and discussed. A motion was put

forward to approve the 2014/2015 budget. The motion passed.

6. Details of the General Account Budget (Attachment A) include :

a. A target of $10,000 was put forward as the future fundraising goal. This target

is based on fundraising from Gift Card sales (targeted $2,000), Sports Day

($1,500), Hot lunches ($1,200), Carnival ($5,000)

b. Some of the expected Expenses for 2015 include: Playground maintenance

($1,000), PAC website hosting fees ($135), purchase of fiction/nonfiction books

($1,000), Carnival ($4,000), Garden Project ($5,000)

c. The 2015 Fiscal Year End General Budget Balance is expected to be $19,481

7. Details of the Gaming Account Budget (Attachment B) include:

a. Revenues include the $11,700 grant

b. Expected expenses include: Vancouver Giants tickets ($3,500), Playground

equipment ($3,000), Classroom Incentives ($2,500), Health and Wellness

($500), Grad Ceremonies ($450), Scholarships ($400)

c. The 2015 Fiscal Year End General Budget Balance is expected to be $1,491.83.


8. A formalized funding process has been developed. Parents, Teachers, etc. must fill

out the designated funding request form (Attachment C). Forms should be submitted

5 days prior to a PAC meeting so that decisions can be made ahead of the meeting.


9. Grants Application Status.

a. Norquay received the $2,000 UBC grant (Think&Eat Green@School). There will

be a 2 hour introduction night hosted by the program to discuss the grant.

Representatives from Norquay will be attending.

b. The $2,000 Whole Foods grant was applied for and notification will be given in


10. Think & Eat Green Institute workshop. The PAC confirmed funding of a total of $150

for Lisa and Ivy to attend the 2 day workshop.

11. $600 in additional native plants has been purchased to replace some that have died.

12. Group Seed purchase. A signup sheet will be placed in the office for seed purchase

requests. This will need to happen quickly as the seedlings can now be planted

indoors. Targeting to spend $100 on seeds.

13. New Planter boxes. All of the wood has been donated for the new boxes. Pending

VSB approval, Russ will be contacted about building the new boxes.


14. EMB Kindergarten Night. There will be an information meeting held on January 14th

from 6-7pm. This information session is for prospective parents wanting to enroll

their children into either the kindergarten or Grade 1 class. There will be two parent

volunteers attending to answer questions.

15. Parent and Coffee Chat. There will be an opportunity for parents to meet at the

school and discuss the several issues, including literacy and social and emotional

learning. The date for this event is Friday, January 23rd from 9:00am to 9:45am.

16. Upcoming Events.

a. The Acceptance Event for Pink Day – the focus will be on words of acceptance

and compassion.

b. Lunar New Year – Year of the Sheep

c. Goal Review Conferences are schedule for February

d. Pro-D Monday

e. Gym Clean Up – A committee has been formed to organize the gym storage.

All equipment will be pulled out and inspected. A list will be determined on

what new purchases need to be made. A primary and secondary storage will

need to be made as well as space for change rooms. A group of 1-3 parent

volunteers are requested.

TEACHER REPRESENTATIVES (Pat Shankel, Genevieve Adams)

17. Salmon Project. The tank is ready and the Department of Fisheries will deliver eggs

on January 22nd. Students are invited to join the Salmon Club on Tuesdays at recess.

Students can also visit Ms. Affleck’s class on Tuesdays and on occasions after school to

observe the salmon. In May there will be a field trip organized for students to release

the salmon at Stanley Park.

18. Health and Wellness Day. This event will be held on Friday, June 19th. A keynote

speaker will attend. Parents are invited as well as all students. The students will

attend four different sessions (3 physical sessions and 1 sit down session). Types of

sessions include yoga, dance, curling, cops, boot camp, soft ball, etc. There will also

be a big group activity in the afternoon. The planning needs to start now. What is


a. Need 25 presenters – we currently have booked 8

b. Costs associated with the presentations needs to be determined

c. The Keynote address will need to be paid

d. Looking for parents to help support the raffle by donating prizes

e. We will provide presenters with lunch (looking for donations)

f. We will provide students with healthy snacks at recess (looking for donation)

g. Sponsorships are also needed

19. Social Emotion Program (Skill building). This new program has been developed and

there will be an open house on January 14th. The first intake will be ending early

February which has been very successful. The open house will be looking for the

second intake.


20. Candy in Schools. There was a discussion regarding teachers using candy as a

reward/incentive in the classroom. It was discussed whether incentives/rewards

should include healthier choices. It will be an ongoing discussion as there are related

issues such as classroom parties where students bring in food.

21. Carnival (Keelan Simurda) This event will be held in May with a tentative time of 3-

6pm. There is some discussion of having this event on a Saturday. Committees will

need to be formed. Two bouncy castles will be reserved – one for the older kids and

one for the younger kids). Any games/activities that have happened in the past that

need to happen again (ie-dunk tank). Committees will need to be formed. At the

Parent Conference Meetings, Charis Broadbent will be setting up a table for parents to

sing up to volunteer.

22. Agendas (Leslie Bishku). It was suggested that a monthly agenda be submitted in

advance of these meetings. This may give parents an opportunity to initiate different

discussion topics. It was discussed that posters could be drafted for input and post

on Facebook.

23. Fundraising Update

a. Purdy’s fundraiser made $350.45

b. Gift card fundraiser made $763.85 (selling $17,000 of gift cards). One $300 gift

card package went missing. A motion was put forward to reimbursement the

family for the $300. The motion was approved bring the net earnings to


c. Pizza lunches – to be scheduled for February, April and May

d. Purdy’s Easter Chocolate sale is scheduled

e. Direct Appeal – to raise money as community to cover the carnival costs,

letters will be sent directly to families.

24. Staples Grant. (Barb Lee) This grant will be applied for. Barb will be writing the

application and will need to know where money will be used, what is being done in

the school and provide a summary of tech needs for school and how the school will

use this tech. Barb will coordinate with Jodie, Ivy, Mel and Margaret.

25. Safety. Margaret updated that the school is doing some safety drills. There are

supervisors, staff and administration monitoring the school grounds. They meet

regularly to discuss safety issues.

26. Sports. Teachers are still looking for drivers for sports games that are away from

school grounds. Specifically, they are looking for parents who can drive students to

and from games after school.

27. The date of the next PAC meeting is Tuesday, February 10th, 2015 at 6pm