EMB High School Update from Shauna Cook, Norquay’s PAC EMB Representative

Dear EMB Parents, 

Welcome back to school! I hope everyone is making the transition smoothly. I have an update for you regarding the continuation of the Mandarin program at the secondary level. 

This coming Wednesday, September 13th, a formal recommendation for the location of the secondary school will be made to Committee III at the VSB. The location is Windermere Secondary School.  Adrian Keough, Director of Instruction for Educational Programs and Learning Services, will be presenting this reportdetailing the consultation process and work done to date to arrive upon the recommendation. 

Please note that parents and the public may sit in the galley during the Committee III meeting but the floor will not be open to speakers unless given special permission prior to the meeting. Should you wish to to submit questions and comments prior to the meeting you may contact Shaun Kalley, the DPAC representative on Committee III, at vicechair@vancouverdpac.org.  

The actual vote for approval of the recommendation will occur at the VSB Board meeting on September 25, 2017 at 7 PM.  

Details pertaining to how the program will look and what the courses will be is still being “fleshed out” at this time. I have been told that at a minimum, Grade 8 students will start with a double block of courses similar to those that offered at Eric Hamber. I have shared with Adrian that many parents would like to see a program that offers Mandarin beyond traditional language arts and conversation. For example, a course taught in Mandarin that covers Chinese art and culture or combines Mandarin with math/finance or business leadership. He took this feedback and stated that ongoing input from parents is welcomed. Be assured I will update you as I receive more information on the instruction piece of the program at the secondary level

As always, you are welcome to contact either myself (shauna.cook@hotmail.com) or Adrian Keough at the VSB with your input.  I also encourage you to attend the information night at Windermere on November 3rd. 

Thank you, 

Shauna Cook

Norquay PAC EMB & DPAC Representative

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