NORQUAY SWAG DRAW: Sign up by Oct 11th to win! See details below!

The safety of our children getting to and from school is critical and we invite you to join us for a parent-run Adult Crossing Guard program for Slocan and Duchess Street.
You can help by volunteering as few as 30 minutes per week or every other week.
This PAC initiative is a big project that requires a lot of helping hands. We need at least 20 adults committing to 1x/week to share the work load to run a successful program. We thank you for your participation!
VPD training will be scheduled – Date TBD or be trained by a fellow guard who has already received VPD training.
Schedule of Crossing guards will be available through the Whatsapp group chat link.
NORQUAY SWAG DRAW: Sign up by Oct 11th to be a part of the Adult Crossing Guard + complete at least 4 shifts before Winter Break and your name will be entered into a draw for a personalized Norquay Tshirt or Hoodie!
– Draw 1: Personalized Norquay Tshirt
– Draw 2: Personalized Norquay Hoodie – name will be entered if your child’s Division has 2+ adult crossing guards signed up
Adult Crossing Guard sign up link:
Sign up and encourage other parents/guardians from your child’s division to also participate for an extra draw entry.