About PAC

You are a part of the Norquay PAC

PAC stands for Parent Advisory Council. The PAC is a group of parents that advises the school board, school administration and staff on things related to John Norquay Elementary school in East Vancouver.  If you are a parent/guardian of a child who goes to Norquay Elementary, you are a member of the PAC.

PAC does things like:

  • works with the school to build a strong community;
  • applies for and receives casino fund grant (only available if school has a valid PAC);
  • provides hot lunch services to the school and raises funds for the school so the school can buy items they would not otherwise have (i.e. school playgrounds, computer equipment, books for the library, learning materials, musical equipment, supplement classroom supplies and field study fees, PE supplies, fine arts performance etc.).

An elected group of parents called the PAC Executive act as advocates for your concerns and issues and help in building the school community.

How to get involved

All parents are key to keep the PAC a successful and enjoyable place to come together.

How can I be involved in the PAC? There are many ways to be involved with PAC!

  • Volunteer at PAC initiated events on our Volunteer sign up page.
  • Become a PAC executive team member: unfilled positions are listed below. 
  • Become a PAC Class Representative: Each division will have a class representative to pass on information to the parents/guardians of that division. Bonus perk: discounts on PAC spirit wear! If interested please email norquaypacteam@gmail.com 
  • Attend PAC meetings either in person or via zoom. (Link TBA)
  • Participate in the “Wish List Survey” of what your kids and family would like to see happen this year or what equipment/supplies you wish for. (Link TBA)
  • Email Norquaypacteam@gmail.com if you have any ideas or questions

Who is part of the PAC executive team? Below is a list of a group of dedicated parents/guardians committed to planning and organizing PAC initiatives at Norquay. Please email norquaypacteam@gmail.com if you are interested in joining the executive team and filling any vacant roles.

PAC Executive Team 2024/25

ChairHannah Tan
Vice-ChairSue Ann Selman
SecretaryHolly Ma
Co-TreasurerAnnie Wong
Co-TreasurerScott Kwan
JNEAA – John Norquay Elementary Alumni AssociationNana Hamilton
EMB – Early Mandarin Bilingual Coordinator (Unfilled position)
Volunteer coordinator Romeo Bui
Website CoordinatorCherie T
Fundraising Coordinator (Unfilled position)
Communications CoordinatorKelly Wong
DPAC – District Parent Advisory CouncilFahreen Dossa
Garden CoordinatorJen Liu
Members at LargeJason Yuen, Michelle Yuen, Sharon Lee,
Stephanie Keating, Janisha Haywood, Edna Aguinaga, Kelly Sandhu, Maggie Gu, Christina Liu